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Welcome to our award-winning firm of Chartered Accountants, Company Secretary, Tax Advisors and Financial Coaches.


We specialize in corporate finance, company law and talent management, providing expert guidance to help your business thrive.

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Our dedicated team is committed to delivering tailored solutions that meet your unique financial needs. Partner with us for a brighter financial future.

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PLC CNY 捞生文化 💕 Lo Hei Culture 👍

PLC CNY 捞生文化 💕 Lo Hei Culture 👍

🥢【捞生文化】的崇高意义🥢 Inclusive Transformational Co-Creativity 感恩团员们😊 接受Partner的挑战与指引👍 完美诠释了我们核心价值理念 “Collaborative Learning 共谐学习” 让我们一起共创幸福职涯人生💕 ✅欢迎志同道合的伙伴 加入我们 并肩同行 共创幸福💕 🎁将捞生文化与企业转型相结合, 可以从捞生文化中汲取的象征意义和仪式过程,来启发和引导企业在转型过程中建立和强化其文化。 以下是如何将以上 两者结合的一些思路: ✅共同的目标(捞生中的集体参与):正如捞生仪式中全体参与者共同捞起食材,寓意共同的祝福和希望,企业转型也需要所有成员围绕一个共同的目标和愿景团结起来。领导层应明确转型的目标和愿景,并确保每个团员都理解自己在这一过程中的角色和贡献。 ✅积极的变革意识(捞生中的吉祥话):就像在捞生时大家边捞边念吉祥话一样,企业转型期间,积极的态度和正面的沟通至关重要。通过积极的语言和故事来强化变革的必要性和益处,鼓励团员对未来持乐观态度。 ✅透明沟通(捞生的开放式参与):捞生仪式的开放性鼓励每个人参与和表达,这与企业转型中的透明沟通相呼应。在转型期间,企业应保持沟通渠道的开放,确保信息的流通和反馈的及时性,让大家都感到被包含和听到。 ✅培养创新(捞生的创意与多样性):捞生的材料多样且颜色鲜艳,代表着丰富和创新。企业在转型过程中,应鼓励创新思维和行为,为员工提供尝试新方法和策略的空间,即使这可能涉及到失败的风险。 ✅灵活性和适应性(捞生中的即兴与适应):捞生仪式并非严格的仪式,允许参与者根据情况即兴调整,这反映了企业转型中所需的灵活性和适应性。企业应培养一种能够迅速响应变化、灵活调整战略的文化。 ✅领导承诺(捞生的启动者):正如捞生通常由家庭或团队的领袖发起一样,企业转型需要强有力的领导承诺和示范。领导者应通过自己的行动展示对转型的承诺,为团队树立榜样。 ✅员工赋能(捞生的集体参与感):捞生仪式赋予每个参与者参与和贡献的机会,类似地,企业转型应赋予团员参与决策和改进过程的权力,增强他们的参与感和使命感。 ✅持续学习(捞生的传统与创新结合):捞生虽然是一项传统习俗,但每年的实践中都会融入新的元素和创意。企业在转型过程中也应鼓励持续学习和发展,不断吸收新知识,融合传统与创新。 ✅通过这样的结合,企业可以借鉴捞生文化中的集体参与、积极态度、创新和适应性等元素,来构建一个支持转型和增长的强大文化基础。 🥢Combining Lo Hei culture 🥢 with corporate transformation involves drawing from the symbolic meanings and ritual processes of Lo Hei to inspire and guide the development and strengthening of a culture that supports and facilitates transformation within a company. 🎁Here are some ways to integrate these concepts: ✅Unified Goals (Collective Participation in Lo Hei): Just as participants in Lo Hei come together to mix the ingredients, symbolizing shared blessings and hopes, corporate transformation also requires all members to unite around a common goal and vision. Leadership should clearly articulate the goals and vision of the transformation, ensuring that every employee understands their role and contribution to the process. ✅Positive Change Mindset (Auspicious Phrases in Lo Hei): Similar to reciting auspicious phrases during Lo Hei, maintaining a positive attitude and communication is crucial during corporate transformation. Using positive language and narratives to reinforce the necessity and benefits of change can encourage employees to be optimistic about the future. ✅Transparent Communication (Open Participation in Lo Hei): The openness of the Lo Hei ritual, encouraging everyone to participate and express themselves, mirrors the need for transparent communication during corporate transformation. Keeping communication channels open, ensuring the flow of information and timely feedback, makes everyone feel included and heard. ✅Fostering Innovation (Creativity and Diversity in Lo Hei): The variety and vibrant colors of Lo Hei ingredients represent richness and innovation. During transformation, companies should encourage innovative thinking and actions, providing space for employees to try new methods and strategies, even if it involves the risk of failure. ✅Flexibility and Adaptability (Improvisation and Adaptation in Lo Hei): The Lo Hei ritual is not rigid and allows participants to adjust on the fly, reflecting the flexibility and adaptability needed in corporate transformation. Companies should cultivate a culture that can respond quickly to changes and adjust strategies flexibly. ✅Leadership Commitment (Initiator of Lo Hei): Just as Lo Hei is often initiated by a leader of the family or team, corporate transformation requires strong leadership commitment and demonstration. Leaders should show their commitment to the transformation through their actions, setting an example for the team. ✅Empowering Employees (Collective Sense of Participation in Lo Hei): The Lo Hei ritual gives each participant a chance to contribute, similarly, corporate transformation should empower employees to participate in decision-making and improvement processes, enhancing their sense of involvement and purpose. ✅Continuous Learning (Combination of Tradition and Innovation in Lo Hei): Although Lo Hei is a traditional ritual, new elements and creativity are incorporated into its practice each year. Similarly, companies should encourage continuous learning and development during transformation, constantly integrating new knowledge and blending tradition with innovation. 🥢By integrating these aspects, companies can leverage elements of collective participation, a positive attitude, innovation, and adaptability found in Lo Hei culture to build a strong cultural foundation that supports transformation and growth.🥢✅
The Star | PLC ESG Positive Impact Award 2023/4 | Part 2 Full photo

The Star | PLC ESG Positive Impact Award 2023/4 | Part 2 Full photo

✅ESG Positive Impact Award 2023/4✅ We are beyond “WOW” + “Yes Yes Yes !!!” ✌️ and honoured to received the Star ESG Positive Impact Award in the Talent Management category! 🌟 ☘️This recognition stands as a testament to our Group's commitment in pioneering sustainable excellence in People Development & Corporate Growth as our mission. ☘️Our journey has been nothing short of extraordinary adventure in discovering the true energy of mindfulness and happiness, all made possible by the visionary passion of our incredible Master Coaches and our beloved PLC Team members. ☘️Over the past years, we focused on the value of gratitude and praise, constantly celebrating the remarkable efforts of our team of true angels and warriors !!! ☘️To our amazing PLC team and dedicated Vistage Coach Prof Loh, Master Coach Mong Lan & Goh, your relentless dedication and passion have been the foundation of our new milestone success. And a heartfelt shoutout to our Consulting Partners Nicholas & Kevin for their delightful surprise bouquet of flowers and your kind support that have further brightens up our event of the Day. With our Team mentor Wei Zhi who has just return from his Nepal retreat in joining us that night and drove back to Batu Pahat on the same night as well. These are truly amazing that inspired us by far the most encouraging of all !✌️ ☘️We are truly blessed to be surrounded by such warm, supportive individuals, as we mark yet another incredible milestone in our co-created journey of happiness, enrichment, and mindful self-discovery. Together, we continue to build something truly special & sustainably amazing. ✅非常激动和荣幸地宣布,我们荣获了【星报ESG正面影响力奖项】中的【人才管理】银奖! 🌟 这个奖项是对我们在企业与人才发展方面坚持可持续卓越的承诺的最佳见证与鼓励!✌️ ☘️这一段旅程充满了奇妙的酸甜苦辣的体验,是我们在伙伴与教练们的远见卓识下,共同探索正念与幸福的成果。在过去这些年里,我们专注于赋权和认可,不断激励我们团队的非凡努力打造一群天使和勇士。 ☘️致我们了不起的团队和敬业的教练们,你们无私的奉献和激情是我们成功的基石。特别感谢所有 PLC ACS 团队成员,感谢你们坚定不移的支持。特别感谢Nicholas与Kevin兄弟伙伴的鲜花惊喜和鼓舞人心的话语,这些都为我们的旅程注入了更多肯定与动力。 ☘️我们真的非常幸运,有如此温暖而支持的伙伴们,一起见证我们在幸福、充实和正念自我发现的旅程中又共创了一个刻苦铭心的里程碑。 期待我们一同为我们的社区 更多的【可能】和快乐的时刻!👍 🙌 #ESGAward #SustainableExcellence #TalentManagement #Gratitude #TeamSuccess #MindfulJourney #ESGAward #可持续卓越 #人才管理 #感恩 #团队成功 #正念之旅
DT3.0 | 智能崛起 转型必行 | 论坛 2024

DT3.0 | 智能崛起 转型必行 | 论坛 2024

Event Report : The Grand Finale of the [Digital Transformation 3.0] Feast Hosted by Kluang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the [Digital Ecosystem Transformation 3.0 – The Rise of Intelligence and the Necessity of Transformation] seminar attracted 130 participants and concluded perfectly. Date: May 17, 2024 Time: 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM Venue: Kluang 128 Banquet Hall This was more than just a seminar; it was a vibrant journey enhancing corporate sustainability. The event focused on the themes of intelligence, digitalization, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), covering the following key learning points: Transforming data into a marketing magic wand - Sharing successful data marketing case studies Building a unique brand and seizing business opportunities - Exploring the latest trends in social media marketing The importance of ESG and digital intelligence New applications of technology in community marketing Marketing wisdom in the data era Event Highlights Expert Sharing We were honored to invite several senior mentors and experts whose sharing sparked enthusiastic responses: - Professor Weihoong Loh: Topic 1 - [Facing the Arrival of the New Era] - Mentor Serm Teck Choon: Topic 2 - [Marketing in the Data Era] - Mr. TP Tan: Topic 3 - [Latest Business Trends in Social Media Marketing] - Mentor Patrick Luah: Topic 4 - [The Importance of ESG and Digital Intelligence] - Professor Chia Choon Wha: Topic 5 - [Using Technology to Build Community Marketing] - Mr. Long Yew Foo: Topic 6 - [Three Stages of Digital Transformation Implementation that Bosses Can’t Explain] Kluang AI Masters · 5-Minute Tips - Soon Li Ang: [5-Minute Video Production Efficiency Boost] - Jeff Zheng Kailun: [All-Round AI Chatbox Auto-Reply Marketing Management System] - Wesley Chong: [Artificial Intelligence] - YK Goh: [Business Succession Across Three Generations] - Wee Lai Der: [What AI Means to You] Participant Reactions Attendees expressed that the event was rich in content and full of practical marketing strategies and techniques. The interactive exchange sessions ignited everyone's enthusiasm and inspiration, with many participants continuing discussions after the event concluded. Event Achievements The event was a resounding success, receiving high praise from attendees and accumulating valuable experience in promoting corporate digital transformation for the Kluang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We look forward to hosting more high-quality events in the future, stepping together into the new era of intelligence and digitalization. Special Thanks 1) Organizing Committee The success of the event would not have been possible without the hard work and meticulous planning of every member of the organizing committee. Your selfless dedication and professionalism ensured the smooth execution of this event. Special thanks to the leaders, staff, and all volunteers of the committee, whose efforts and enthusiasm brought infinite vitality to this grand event. 2) Master of Ceremonies Ms. Xavern Chaw A special thanks to our Master of Ceremonies, Ms. Xavern Chaw, whose excellent hosting added color to this event. Her professional performance not only enlivened the atmosphere but also ensured a smooth and orderly flow of the event, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees. 3) Attendees Thank you to all attendees for your enthusiastic participation and support. Your presence and interaction enriched the event content and provided us with valuable feedback and suggestions. It is your active participation that made this grand event such a success. 4) Mentors A special thanks to all the mentors for their wonderful sharing and professional guidance. Your experience and wisdom provided attendees with rich knowledge and practical guidance, helping them go further on the path of intelligence and digitalization. Your selfless dedication and professionalism were key to the success of this event. 5) Sponsors A special thanks to all the event sponsors for your generous support and active participation. Your sponsorship and support not only provided valuable resources for the event but also demonstrated your firm confidence and commitment to promoting intelligent and digital development. Thank you JESS Homebake for sponsoring Kuih Lapis for the event. Once again, thank you to everyone who participated and supported this event. We look forward to seeing you at our next event to explore more cutting-edge topics and march towards a brighter future together!

© 2024/2025 by PLC Academy Team. All Right Reserved

No. 19, 23,25,27 & 78 Jalan Lambak, Kluang 86000, Johor, Malaysia | Tel: +607-772 1743 | Fax: 07- 773 7743

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